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산소 및 음이온 치료

아스트로돔 페이셜은 고농축 산소 및 음이온으로 피부 세포막의 기능을 개선하고 세포와 조직에 산소를 전달하며 콜라겐 생성을 증가시킵니다.

Aqua Therapy

Cleanse, Extract, and Hydrate

Hydra Facials

아쿠아필 + 수소토닝

removes the layer of dead cells that makes up the uppermost layer of the epidermis. While microdermabrasion uses a sandblasting tool to shoot tiny aluminum oxide crystals at the surface of the skin, a diamond peel is crystal-free. The Aqua Diamond peeling uses a hybrid technology combining Hydra Facial with an abrasive diamond tip that gently loosens the dead cells and debris.

Cryo Stamp

Cold & Heal helps to increase absorption of any solution to skin

– Deep Cleansing

– Scrubber Exfoliation

– High Frequency Therapy

– Facial Massage & Pack

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